
E-mail: peterboriana@gmail.com



  1. Privet. Minja zavot Jan Fleischmann. Ja eta balsjoia interesna Russia icehockey. And I have also recently made with a friend a book in Swedish language about snow leopard. The few wild photos of the cat I have taken in Himalaya.
    In my second book “Levande vildmark” from 2004 I have made a chapter from Vladivostok
    and an Amur tiger project.
    In my third book also in Swedish it is about the other four big cats, Jaguar Tiger Lejon Leopard is the title. Gave this as a present to the former Brasilian football player Pelé as the jaguar on the cover is from his country.
    I have also sometimes taken photos when Sovjet and Russia played international games in Sweden such as from the World Cup 1989. I have a few photos of players like Igor Larionov, Sergey Fedorov, Sergey Makarov, Vladimir Krutov, Vjatjeslav Fetisov and young Alexander Owechkin, and also young Evgenij Malkin, Ilya Kowalchuk and pressconference with Viktor Tichonov.
    There used to be a team called the Amur tigers. Does anyone know if this team still exist?


    • Hello, and thank you for your comment! I do not know why it is not appearing at the site just yet, but I will see what I can do.

      Amur Tigers still do exist – they play in the Russian junior league right now, although they are not having a very good season, unfortunately. Amur, the KHL team, are one of my favourites, I have to say.

      I am very interested in seeing some of your photos, both of big cats and of Russian hockey players! 🙂 Do let me know if this is possible – you can e-mail me at peterboriana@gmail.com.

      Thanks again!


  2. Ah, I see your comment on the site now! 🙂


  3. Lwonardo Gomes

    Hello Patrick, my name is Leonardo and i am great fan Hockey here in Brazil, like hockey for 20 years, but accompany more closely NHL and European Hockey these last 2 years, watch games in ESPN Brazil. Because friend lives in Washington D.C, i became fan Washington Capitals and Capitain Alexander Ovechkin, beacuse Ovi, started read and watch soe informations and games Russian Hockey, KHL, very cool league.
    And now from twitter, found your page with good informations about games in real time, i like it!
    Is It, godd job with informations and congrats for blog, and hope better luck for Oilers in next years, together Leafs, historic teams, deserve better players and organization, make good for hockey in general.
    PS: Sorry my bad english, i still learned, but dont use translate.


    • Leonardo Gomes

      Hello Patrick, my name is Leonardo and i am great fan Hockey here in Brazil, like hockey for 20 years, but accompany more closely NHL and European Hockey these last 2 years, watch games in ESPN Brazil. Because friend lives in Washington D.C, i became fan Washington Capitals and Capitain Alexander Ovechkin, beacuse Ovi, started read and watch soe informations and games Russian Hockey, KHL, very cool league.
      And now from twitter, found your page with good informations about games in real time, i like it!
      Is It, godd job with informations and congrats for blog, and hope better luck for Oilers in next years, together Leafs, historic teams, deserve better players and organization, make good for hockey in general.
      PS: Sorry my bad english, i still learned, but dont use translate.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Leonardo! I’m always glad to find more KHL fans – it is indeed a very interesting league, with some extremely good players and an entertaining brand of hockey.

        Have you settled on a favourite KHL team? Mine has to be Amur Khabarovsk, I think, although I’m also fond of some others. I don’t think there’s any team that I really dislike…

        And thank you for the good wishes about the Oilers – they need all the help they can get! 😀


  4. Boa noite Leonardo. It is nice to hear from you as I not only like Russian icehockey but also Brazil football and more particularly your unique natuer and wild animals. I have been many times in Pantanal and made photostories and books about the jaguar. I plan next Winter to visit Khabarovks. Regarding Russian ichehockey I have followed it since Young ages and with my cameras covered World cup 1989 and some other tournaments.
    I have made books about the big cats in my lyrics Swedish and one has the jaguar from Pantanal on the front. This book was given to Pelé when he visited Sweden one time.
    One other book has story of a rescueproject for the Amur tiger and from Vladivostok. The latest describe the snow leopard from adventures in Central Asia and threats to the cat,
    the people in the mountains in India and Pakistan, and the Buddhists Connection to the cat.
    Best regards

    Liked by 1 person

    • Leonardo Gomes

      Oh, amazing history Jan, very cool your interest for wild animals in Brazil, always need information, call-me for help about this.
      Is amazing how sport, and this case Hockey, make know people different countries, with ideas and cultures, united for one love, really i like it!

      If interesting my twitter @99leogomes and my e-mail: leopanigale@gmail.com

      Thanks and good things for all.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Leonardo Gomes

    Thanks Patrick, still dont team in KHL, but is fact beacause Ovechikin have sympathy for Dynamo Moscou and beacause great team and all skill players SKA, cool your posts about Russian Hockey, for me will great revolution in sport when russian players began to play in NHL, pure talent and skill, very impressive, always. Whenever possible read news here, thanks for attention.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Muito prazer Leonardo. It would be nice to keep in touch with you. I will email you some of my published articles from Brazil and Russia and some photos of the Russian icehockeyplayers such as Sergey Fedorov, Igor Larionov, Alexander Ovechkin (in a early performance for Russian national team and Ronaldo, Marta, Christiane and more.
    Usually football discussions has been a gateopener when I travelled in many African countries but also icehockey that I have covered up in Himalaya in snow leopard country.


  7. Hey Patrick. Three years ago, I was traveling across Russia from Vladivostok to Moscow and then Sochi. I stayed for 4 months in Ufa and was able to attend lots of games of the Salavat Yulaev. I tried to see games of the Vladivostok Admiral, but the taxi couldn’t find me and In Chelyabinsk, I was unable to see the Traktor because they were sold out. A few years earlier, I saw my first KHL game in Mytishchi with the Alant. It is great to see some interesting former NHL players in the KHL, especially those from my favorite NHL team, the Anaheim Ducks. Unfortunately, when I was in Khabarovsk, the Amur were out of town.

    It’s great to find your blog so that I can learn more about the KHL and VHL. I spent some time in Krasnoyarsk and wanted to learn about Sokol and their VHL-B team the Rysi. Thank you for your work.

    Have you done a blog on the salaries that VHL and VHL-B players receive?


  8. It is a pity that times have changed and sports have also become involved in politics. All hockey has lost a lot from the fact that now everyone is divided into two camps.


  9. Sports have not become involved in politics. Instead, the Russian government is causing death and destruction by attacking a sovereign nation, including their athletes. Hockey is a minor activity compared to the murders and rapes that Putin is causing. We can wait for hockey, we can’t wait to end Putin’s war.


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